Campe Devens, Mass.,
Thursday Night.

Dear Brother:-

I received your most welcome letter last night, and needless to say I was very glad to get it.

Mine golly! but you scared me at first when you spoke about your had[sic] being swollen, and before I saw your explaination I thought you must have sprained it or broken your wrist. Do be careful Win, for you want to finish school right to the finish. Not much longer, is there? Win! I have been thinking and slightly worrying over you lately because I fear that you have been plugging so terribly hard that when school is over this spring you want to watch out for a reaction. Even though you do not work much this summer, you must have some rest. I even hope that you and mother will be able to go to Wells Beach this summer for a vacation, if everything is all right. Of course your kid brothe has other fish to fry this summer, and he's mighty eager to get started on the frying process, too. Get me? Mother would kick like a steer most likely about taking a vacation without her youngest off-spring, too, but he's doing his vacation turn now, and mighty willing to do it.

I was mighty glad to hear of your offers of positions already. Gee! that Spokane, Washington job sounds mighty good for a starter, and you would thrive out there. It is very healthy in that state. I would be so pleased to have mother with you, and if I'm still in the Army, why some day we could meet again even though the distance is great. But imagine that you will take a job nearer home, and you know best. You have lots of time yet to look around. I know you will get a good job and make good. I hope you can teach. It's a nice, clean job.

Gee! I should say you did doctor yourself up last Friday night. You must be careful; you are pretty well tired out and it would not take much to give you pneumonia. I know how a run-down condition plus pneumonia is, from watching Elwood Ward's case. He has been a pretty sick boy, and it will be some time before he's well, but he is improcing now, slowly.

That clipping you sent me was very interesting, and I sent it to mother this morning. There is no doubt but what U. of M. is there on Military Tactics, and I'm glad for the name of your school.

You paid a very glowing tribute to Dot, I'm sure, and I am so very heppy that both you and mother are so willing to accept Dot, as I have. I have most[sic] decided that I will not become engaged to Doris until after the war. I really don't hardly know where I stand. Let me explain about the Hope Chest business. It is customary now when a lady expects to marry a fellow that she obtain now and then, here and there, and make, all sorts of linenware, such as table cloths, napkins, bedlinen, silverware, and everything in fact that goes to make up furnishings for a home. this is called a Hope Chest. Verstehen-sie nun?

I was so glad you got to church Sunday last, especially as it was Easter. I had a dandy chat over the telephone with mother. I thought she would enjoy hearng me. She had just got in to Aunt Stella's as I called up. Doris Hart went to church with mother Sunday. I went to the Congregational church in Ayer Sunday morning and also to the Communion servive at the same place. In the afternoon I went up to the hospital to see Elwood, and met his folks up there.

Yes, everything is being shaken up and shifted around here in the Ammunition Train lately. There are about twenty trucks more just arrived and, and [sic] also some combat wagons and caissons. The officers have been moved around, and several have been promoted, a lot of the 2nd Lieutenants to 1st. They are taking out all those unfit for overseas service from the companies and sending them to Camp Merritt, Maryland, and others to the Forest Preservation Guards at Plattsburg, New York. Something business-like out to be doing pretty soon, now.

To be sure, we march in Worcester Saturday, but after the parade we must come back to camp, so I won't be able to get home. It'll be five weeks since I was home. I shall try and go home next week, though. By the way Win, Mother's birthday is two weeks from Sunday, that is, April 21st. and I thought you might send her a card or booklet, so she would get it Saturday before, is the best you can do.

I have been on the rifle range two days this week so far, and have been shooting great, getting several bull's-eyes. Really I'm quite surprising my own self. For a felow who never shot before and was timid I think I'm doing pretty good. We go on the range again tomorrow for three hundred yards shooting.

The rest of my time this week has been taken up in gas-mask drill with one of the companies. It took me three days to drill them completely. I am very much pleased with my present job, and I only hope I can keep good at it.

Well, I think I had better quit for this time. I am fine and dandy, and I surely hope you have got that package of eats all right. Heaps of love and best wishes to you from

Your own brother


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